
Quick Water Canada Suppliers


Sunova Surfboards are manufacturers of high performance wood sandwich surfboards. Under the tutelage of Shaper of the Year, and legendary shaper Bert Burger, Sunova has been pioneering the use of parabolic balsa rails and veneer skinned surfboards for over 20 years. Originating out of Mandurah, Western Australia, Bert has been leading the way in lightweight surfboards built with an emphasis on strength and flex to create epoxy surfboards which are not only strong surfboards lasting much longer than the industry standard PU boards, but have also proved to be the leading performance surfboards and SUP surfboards.

Leading the way in creating some of the most innovative performance surf and SUP boards, Sunova’s boards are all made of wood, either Balsa or Paulownia. Both of these natural materials have shown to demonstrate ideal properties for surf and SUP boards, both being some of the lightest and strongest materials available for this purpose. Balsa for its flex, lightness and strength and Paulownia for its strength, impact resistance, lightness and beauty. These woods are sourced from renewable, farmed trees that are as renewable and earth friendly as you can get.

Find out more reasons Why Sunova is the best at

RSPro 🇪🇸


“Our vision is to completely get rid of wax and embrace the waxless surfing revolution”

Waxless traction is not just less messy and makes surfing easier but it is better for the planet. RSPro products are high quality, long lasting and replace the ongoing perpetual use of petroleum based waxes that dominate the surf wax industry. It directly replaces those petroleum based waxes that have now been shown to cause considerable damage to our delicate reefs.

The RSPro rail savers are considered the best rail protection on the market, performing better at protecting your precious boards and proving to be the most durable.

Quick Blade 🇺🇸

Making Paddles since 1989, Quickblade paddles are the natural evolution of paddle performance founded on years of competitive racing by Jim Terrell, a 4 time Olympian.

After 1 minute of speaking with Jim, you know his passion is truly building the finest competition paddles. An obsession with testing and understanding the dynamics of paddle mechanics, strain and force analysis, along with his deep understanding of composite technology, Jim has been able to produce what is most widely accepted as the best paddles. If you wanted just one performance paddle that will last you for years, Quickblade paddles should be your first choice. Designed primarily for lightweight performance, strength, durability, and longevity.

AFS Foils

Code Foils

Balin 🇦🇺

Balin Surf hardware products have a long history of development in Australia. The original leash design set the standard for leashes worldwide and the current designs provide reliable, strong products for all conditions including the toughest surf conditions.

Balin has been “tried and tested” in the harshest conditions and simply produce very high quality, long lasting leashes. The big step to reducing environmental impact is to produce high quality long lasting products that don’t need to be replaced.